10 movies of all teacher education and student must watch
10 movies of all teacher education and student must watch
Movies about -other than the narratives that develop in education are very few academic institutions in the international film industry. The main cause is the blind belief that these films are not box office blockbusters or go unnoticed for moviegoers, but those are unrealistic perspectives.
Not all movies with the most prominent stars of Hollywood or Bollywood and advanced special effects are necessarily blockbuster. In 2013, Disney, the largest media and film industry in the world did the movie “The Lone Ranger” with Johnny Depp as the main attraction, but neither distributive economic and media power could save the film from being a complete failure . But cinema lovers know that there captivating films smaller budgets that make the consciousness of an era as “The Dead Poets Society ” and “Patch Adams” of the late Robin Williams .
Here is a non-exhaustive list of 10 random great movies about education, student and teacher relationship, inspiration when learning the value of study and research and teaching through practice. To refine the list can be placed in the comments other films about education consider unmissable.