Want to have a positive leadership? Check out ten tips to help you succeed.

1. Attract

Recruit and select people with knowledge, skills and positive attitudes to the role of leader, but talent can only be achieved for the team if the company and leaders have strong values ​​to pass.

2. Training

The training team must be something constant, as the act of bathing or brushing teeth, or should become a habit. And the head coach should be the leader through their examples and resources such as video, simulating real situations, conferences and courses both internal and external.

3. Monitor

A team must never lose the job, like a ship adrift. The leader must provide information to recovery, reinforce what is going well and set the LED on the points that are missing.

4. Recognize

The leader who recognizes the efforts of the group in the promotion and adequate and equitable enforcement of company policies pay, is more likely to maintain a cohesive team.

5. Be punctual

Being punctual is important not only for work but for any transaction, such as meetings, courses, parties, answering e-mails to the group, providing answers to questions and deliver as promised, demonstrate concern for the leader with a time of self and others.

6. Make the marketing team

Caring for the physical presentation are essential. Clothing should be appropriate to the workplace or occupation. For men, shave and haircut. For women, apparel and accessories according to discrete office and working environment. Remember that the leader is the mirror of the team.

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7. Delegate

One of the ways to build confidence in the group’s delegate tasks and responsibilities. Besides doing this, this law allows the growth and development of subordinates.

8. Celebrate victories

always a good sale to be achieved or project is completed, it is worthy of celebration. This creates motivation and elevates the mood of the team in search of new conquests.

9. Respect

If the leader wants to be respected by employees, be the first to set an example. Call the attention of targeted ahead of others, shouting and offending irony and sarcasm are practices that should be prohibited. As such, the only leader capable of boycotts, discord and lack of emotional balance of the whole team.

10. Respect differences

The leader is not a superman or superwoman. These icons are available only on the screen. They are the best around. A good group has different skills and experiences that complement the leader already has.

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