10 ways to strengthen your bones
The firm and strong bones are part of a healthy life.They form the body frame as weaken, undermine the stability of the whole organism, like the structure of a building is weakened when the beams and walls that support it will decompose. A good maintenance, you should ideally begin as preventive will help you keep healthy and strong longer. Here are several tips to accomplish .
Being a woman and age are two factors that conspire against the firmness of your bones. An estimated one in two women will suffer some form of osteoporosis-related going from fifty split. But you have no reason to resign yourself to that statistic. With adequate calcium, vitamin D and exercise amounts, you already have the basic formula to keep your bones strong despite advancing age. To guide you through the process, I recommend the following:
1. The earlier you start, the better . The bone tissue is subjected to constant wear and regeneration. At 20 years old, for example, bone tissue is able to generate more cells than it loses, but this regenerative process starts to get slower as they age, especially around menopause . At this time, bone density begins to decrease, which increases the chances that it will develop osteoporosis . Your role is not passively wait for that moment. Become aware that you can do much to avoid it and do it.
2. Consume enough calcium . You know how much you need? If you are between 18 and 50 years of age, the recommended daily amount is 1,000 milligrams, which rises to 1,200 milligrams daily from age 50. Ideally consume calcium through food, but if this is not possible Please see your doctor about the possibility of obtaining additional charges. But beware of taking calcium supplements in excess, as it can cause stomach problems, constipation, calculi (stones), renal (kidney) and to increase the chances of having a heart attack. The Institute of Medicine recommends that total daily calcium, combining diet and supplementation, not to exceed 2,000 milligrams daily when you pass 50.
3. Carefully select your sources of calcium . At least three servings of calcium-rich or fortified with this mineral will help you get the minimum daily amount you need. The main dietary sources of calcium are:
Dairy, preferably low in fat, such as milk and yogurt. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, approximately four glasses of skim or three cups of yogurt a day will provide the daily recommended 1,200 milligrams. But if you do not consume dairy products you have other options.
Other sources of calcium are green leafy vegetables, salmon and sardines, soy products like tofu, and calcium-fortified foods such as juice or orange juice and cereals.
To get all the calcium in the diet, reducing sodium (salt) because it helps to eliminate excess calcium through the urine.
4. Do not forget vitamin D . In order to absorb calcium you consume, your body needs enough vitamin D. If you take enough sun, at least 15 minutes a day, you are probably getting the daily amount you need, approximately 600-800 international units (IU). But if you do not take enough sun, eat foods rich in vitamin D, such as fatty or oily fish (salmon, mackerel or tuna), milk, cereals and other foods fortified with vitamin D supplements may also be necessary, but take them under doctor supervision. Excess vitamin D can also cause problems like calculi (stones) in the kidney.
5. For strong bones, you also need other vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, potassium and vitamins C and K . Five portions futas and vegetables such as citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables they will provide the recommended daily allowance. But to give you an accurate notion of the sources, see: Broccoli, spinach and kale lettuce type ( kale in English) are rich in vitamin K Yogurt, bananas (bananas), sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes in English) and potatoes or potatoes (in their skins) are good sources of potassium.
6. Limit the consumption of meat . Moderation is the key when it comes to combining the consumption of meat and bone health. Calcium and phosphorus help in digestion of animal protein, so if you consume excessive quantities of red meat, pork, fish or poultry can these bones were scarce minerals. But otherwise, if you do not get enough protein, calcium absorption in the intestine is hindered. The solution is to limit consumption of animal protein to two servings per day, about 3 ounces each (equivalent to a deck of cards or a fist).
7. Exercise . Exercise is an excellent way to maintain strong bones and reduce the loss of bone density. You will receive your benefits at any time you begin to practice regularly, but you will benefit more if you start from an early age and keep you active throughout life. Your goal is to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Ideally combine resistance exercises and weights to strengthen the bones of the upper extremities and back. The type of exercise that puts pressure on the hipbones, thighs and legs helps keep them strong and dense: this category can choose between walking, jogging, stair climbing, tennis and even dance. In contrast, other exercises that do not add pressure on the bones (like swimming and bicycling) are excellent for cardiovascular health, but being low impact not directly contribute to strong bones. If you have already been diagnosed with osteopaths or osteoporosis, avoid high-impact activities like running or exercises that require bending, bending or twisting the back. If in doubt, consult your doctor or a physical therapist about the type of exercise that suits you according to your health.
8. Avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol . Too much caffeine interferes with calcium absorption, while excessive alcohol interferes with the function of vitamin D, and you know that calcium and vitamin D are crucial to maintaining strong bones. Again, the key is moderation: one drink and no more than three cups of coffee per day.
9. Do not smoke . The cigarette also prevents adequate calcium absorption and contributes to
the loss of bone density. These are good reasons to quit smoking now.
10. Beware of some medications . There are medications that are frequently used can have a negative effect on bone, reducing its density as aluminum-containing antacids (Maalox or Mylanta), antidepressants (such as Prozac and Zoloft generic alternatives) medicines that neutralize stomach acid (such as Prevacid, Nexium and Prilosec and generics).
This list must also include the type corticosteroid drugs like prednisone, certain medicines for diabetes (such acts) and anticoagulants such as phenobarbital.
Also, I recommend that you investigate if a close family member suffered or suffer from osteoporosis to evaluate your readiness. Your physician (s) can help you assess your overall risk of bone fragility and tell you a test of bone density at the right time. Consider following the suggestions we mentioned to avoid, if possible, you develop osteoporosis and you require to take medicine to strengthen your bones and that while effective may have side effects. Prevention is better than cure . Your best bet is to eat a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D along with a good dose of exercise.