12 tips for hiring good employees
Employees depends, in large part, the success of a company, why should you know to hire good human capital contribution to business development.
Since the employee is a cornerstone in the company, you should be very selective when choosing the people who will make up the team.
Normally, the task of selecting human capital is done by the department of Human Resources and more specifically the area of recruitment, but often companies in the process of growth does not have enough budget to have the department and need guidance when recruiting . Of course, there are companies with the department indicated to delegate this important but often laborious task.
It is a fact that getting staff is not easy, and getting qualified staff with excellent attitude and trust is even more difficult. Therefore, the need to hire the first thing that should be clear is do not hurry.
Here are some tips for choosing the right staff in recruiting:
1. Develop a job profile:
It is important to be clear in the selection process what is sought in a persona.Se must create a profile that describes clearly, job functions, powers, limitations, technical requirements of the person and any other matter relevant to consider
2. Define the salary conditions:
The salary to be paid and the conditions of employment should not be set lightly. This isa common mistake especially in small businesses where a poorly defined procurement can affect budgetary problems or even legal. So before starting a selection process should be evaluated thoroughly how much you can really afford and under what conditions, so that everything is clear from the beginning, both the company and the employee.
3. Announce the different media (s) employment opportunities offered:
Once completed the above steps, you must ensure you have enough candidates to choose the right person. To do disclosed by means other than the square that is offered to the extent of the possibilities that are available.
4. To request the resumes before:
you should ask the people who submit to an interview with your resume or that the previously mailed email.
5. Filter potential candidates:
Once several stakeholders have in place, the next step is to filter them according to the priorities to be taken. Should be evaluated values, confidence, ability, attitude, academic preparation, experience.
6. Conduct interviews:
The next necessary step is a personal interview. This interview is critical because it is able to know the person and have a “first impression”. The interview should have a clear objective and observe the behavior of the person: how is expressed as arrives dressed as generally behaves and can evaluate aspects such as punctuality, dependability and willingness to work. Questions are implemented must allow the person to express. Overall, the interview involves a great deal of insight and intuition and it can be determined if it is really that person who will complement the team.
7. Evaluate your posture:
People tend to express with words 20% and 80% with our gestures. During an interview is crucial to learn how to interpret some basic signs like the look, the way they sit, how they speak and how to accommodate up arms. Usually a person who looks you straight in the eye is reflecting shyness, insecurity or even could be that you are not telling the truth. Attempts should be made ??during the interview, see beyond what is being said verbally.
8. Be clear in working conditions:
If the person is perceived as a good candidate (a) can proceed to talk about pay and conditions. These should be in accordance with the provisions of steps 1 and 2 and do not necessarily represent you are doing a procurement. The goal is that you know what is being offered and what is expected of them to see if your interest in the job is genuine. This step is very important to avoid misunderstandings later and especially so you can be sure that the person understands and accepts the conditions of work.
9. Perform testing practices needed:
Depending on the type of work to be done, in many cases it is essential to conduct practical tests. These, although they require time and resources are important to ensure that the person has the knowledge and skills they claim to have.
10. Investigate your references:
As one of the final steps, but no less important, is the assessment of personal and work references. Anyone interested should submit personal and previous work can contact references. You must call your contacts and ask for a reference person can reveal important information and even help you get a better image of the candidate in question.
11. Analyze each case and make a decision:
Finally, after making all the steps and selected potential candidates, you should do an analysis of your options and make a hiring decision.
12.Procurar a quick and convenient process:
You should take into account that the processes of recruitment today can not be too extensive. This for two reasons: the first is that people have much need for work and are not willing to wait that long to be hired, second because good candidates are always hired quickly. Hence, if it is not careful to quote, interview, evaluate and hire swiftly, then someone else will. A recruitment process should take no longer than ten days.
It must be remembered that although the process of selection and recruitment is carried out with great care, so that the employee can perform adequately employed there need to be later stages of training, adaptation and equally effective supervision.