5 tips to be a successful manager

1. Understand the business

Companies are facing major challenges to compete globally with increasingly demanding customers, forcing them to innovate continuously. Given this scenario, the only way to respond to the speed of market dynamics is through a highly qualified and “married” to the organization, ready to deliver exceptional performance. RH is the first department called to propose solutions to this scenario. But you can not do if you have a deep understanding of the business, where you are going and what are their strategic objectives. To have that understanding, it is necessary that the HR manager involved with senior management in strategic planning, providing strategic initiatives in all matters relating to the provision and retention of talent.

2. Take the lead

The widespread comment from the managers interviewed was “far RH area has had a very functional role, we need to become our strategic partner.” The message is clear, RH are not on the leadership role that businesses require. How assume this role? One way is to support senior management in communication and participation of all staff strategic objectives. This promotes engagement and integration team to share the same mission. RH must be the change manager. In this respect, care must have is to ensure that the change actually creates value. Because we also see many efforts in organizations to change, but when we ask: How many changes are indeed linked to the strategy and provides a clear signal to where the organization is going, we got the unpleasant surprise that changes are unrelated programs strategy or are even contradictory.

3. Develop a winning culture

One of the biggest obstacles facing organizations is the lack of sense of belonging and trust of its employees. This creates a high turnover and therefore a very high cost. It is essential to create a stimulating work environment, both professionally and economically to motivate people to stay productive in the organization.

4. Manage talent

When the company grows rapidly, the fundamental problem is that people today is not necessarily suitable for the needs of tomorrow. HR planning is critical to keep the organization best placed to compete. Define effective strategies for compensation and benefits, and to ensure continuous staff development will enhance the attraction and retention of talent, a key factor in ensuring the successful achievement of strategic objectives.

5. Use indicators

A common complaint by HR management is that senior management is unwilling to invest in people and withdraws present projects, because most are rejected. The best way to convince management of the importance of investing in its staff through indicators. These are not just an instrument to measure the performance and capabilities of the staff, they are a means to monitor and anticipate future results. Every manager seeks to improve the profitability and productivity of the business, if RH numbers can demonstrate that their efforts will contribute in this sense, is very likely to accept their initiatives.

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