7 Keys to Effective Safety Incentive Programs

Promoting a safe workplace remains a major priority for most managers, supervisors, and business owners. Creating a culture that is rooted in safe behavior can lead to increases in productivity and decreases in insurance premiums, healthcare costs and absenteeism.

Safety incentives programs can be one of the most cost effective ways to improve employee compliance with safety rules. These programs utilize incentives and rewards that reinforce positive and safe behavior. Awards can range from reward cards to merchandise to formal recognition. Recent recommendations by the Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA), calling for a more proactive approach, have prompted discussion on how to effectively implement and maintain safety incentive programs. As a result, we decided to put together a guide to direct you in implementing a successful program.

7 Keys to Effective Safety Incentive Programs:

1. Prominent Hazards Are Properly Identified – Where are the vulnerable areas of your worksite? How are workers being injured most often? Is there a piece of equipment that isn’t being properly utilized leading to accidents? All these questions should be answered before proceeding further because your employees can not work safely if they have hazards surrounding them daily.

2. Methods For Preventing Hazards Are Known –

Will training and education improve the problem? Are reminders of proper protocol needed to be reinforced more often? Is the equipment substandard? Determining the answers is a good starting point before you start putting money into changing behavior.

3. Engaging Incentives Are Utilized –

Customize rewards to mirror employee preferences or give employees freedom of choice. Utilize on-the-spot awards to elicit immediate response. Knowing your employees is crucial to this step because rewards and awards that do not speak to your target audience will fall flat and fail in motivation efforts.

Bonus-Starburst4. Program Goals Are Effectively Communicated –

Design brochures, emails, and slogans that elicit inspiration. Do whatever it takes to ensure all participants are aware and motivated to succeed.

5. Effective Tracking Is Implemented –

Create a website or tracking mechanism where progress is logged. Make sure information is accurate and updated often.

6. Constant Analysis and Refinement Occurs –

Search for ways to improve constantly and increase return on investment.

7. The Appropriate Provider Is Selected –

Research various companies before deciding on the right one. Ask for case studies and be sure the provider understands your industry.

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