7 Low Cost Ways to Promote Your Business
There are numerous ways in which to promote your business and today my challenge was to see how many I could come up with that were either zero or low cost. After a brief brainstorming session, I was surprised to see how many I’d managed to come up with and they are probably just the tip of the iceberg. They are all tried and tested methods, all of which can work though the results may also depend on the business you are in. Here are my top 7:
1. Networking in person – while this list is not in any particular order, I do believe that this is the number 1 low cost way to promote yourself and your business.
2. Talk about your Unique Selling Point (USP) – Look at what the competition has to offer by buying some of their products or services and then find a way to do it differently. Once you know what your USP is, make sure to make your customers aware of it.
3. Always over deliver – by treating customers better than you expect to be treated and by over delivering on their expectations, your customers will do your selling for you by talking positively about your great product or service.
4. Give something away – everyone likes to get something for nothing! This can be anything from an information product to a sample of one of your best products, to pens or gift vouchers.
5. Following on from above, when not link up with another business whose products/services compliment your own and get them to give away your freebies as a gift to their clients while you do the same for them in return.
6. Say thank you – when a customer compliments you on what you do or tell you why they keep buying from you, make sure to thank them and what better way to do it than to give them a freebie or a gift voucher to give to a friend so that they can have the opportunity of sharing their buying experience.
7. Blogging and social media – not just to directly promote what you do but also to showcase your expertise as well as your human side! By sharing some of your stories with people, both positive and negative experiences, you can soon have a loyal following of supporters who can relate to you and get the feeling that they know you – and it has been proven that people prefer to buy from someone they know.
Try them to see which ones can work for you and your business.