7 recommendations for care of your health

On April 7 World Health Day was held, organized by WHO. This year the celebration is dedicated
to promoting healthy aging under the slogan “good health adds life to years”, but last party
health, Spanish Society of General Practitioners and Family (SEMG) has decided to promote
between citizens a number of practices that allow people to maintain optimal health. Doctors
recommend that the SEMG seven measures of prevention in mind, and although some seem obvious,
have a major impact on health.

Experts recommend:

1. Maintain a balanced, healthy diet by avoiding toxic (such as snuff, alcohol, etc.)
2. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle and practice some form of exercise.
3. Take responsibility for own health, trying to see the doctor and comply with the indicated treatments
4. Take care of your mental health, avoiding stress, ensuring a good quality of sleep, establish healthy distractions.
5. Avoid risky situations that might lead us to accidents .
6. Avoid prolonged sun exposure, whether he does it with protection.
7. Try to maintain a proactive approach in all matters relating to your health, remember that

prevention is better than cure.

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