A Realistic Way to Establish Your Own Website on Your Own!
Starting your own website may seem like such a difficult task, and at times it may be. To design and develop your own website, it would be handy for you to know languages such as HTML/CSS, and to program the website, languages such as PHP and how to use databases are extremely necessary knowledge. To start with designing the website, you need an idea, and a target audience. Your website could be based around animals, sports, etc.
If you’re not interested in actually designing your website, you could always hire a web designer for you, or use WordPress to do it for you for free – unless there is a theme which costs money. I personally like WordPress as it allows you to skip the process of developing a custom website which takes days of work if you do it yourself, or a lot of money if someone else does it for you.
Once you have the design and all the files necessary for your website, you then need to put your website online, which is a matter of choosing the right host for you. The domain name you choose should reflect what type of website you are producing, i.e. if you are doing animal shelters, your domain name could be animalshelters.com – and since I presume that name is taken, you should think of a name which suits your website best.
The next part is finding a host. If you want a free host to start off with. There are many hosts available for your website, but it depends on the needs of your website to which host you choose to go with. I wouldn’t find a host in America if my website was targeting people located in Australia. This is something you may need to research into, taking price into consideration. As your website begins to expand, you can always buy more hosts to support the website.
The most difficult part of owning a website is not to build the website (although that takes work, especially if you’re doing it yourself), but to actually build an audience who will visit your website without being asked to. This is where advertising comes in handy. You can affiliate with other websites, although this will most likely cost money. If you want to do it without having to pay anything, you can start up a twitter/Facebook and any other social media pages, and advertise your product, and hope that the audience is interested. Tell your family members, friends, etc, and sooner or later, your website will begin to obtain traffic, and will then begin to flow at a natural rate.
By Daniel J McGlone