Apps to help you find employment | Career Tips | Career Advice
Want to get a job but do not know how to look? For Intelligent Environment teaches you some ideal applications that can help you get the job indicated.
Here the list:
1. LinkedIn: Is the network of professionals has become more popular around the world. It focuses on professionals from different sectors. Also focuses its offerings to executives and related to the world of technology and communication jobs.
2. InfoJobs: It is the most popular job portal in Spain. Its growth has occurred rapidly. Although having some trouble you post your resume, you should not lose hope. Some company will see it and sooner or later they will call.
3. Trovit Jobs: Its application is adapted to the web version. Exposes hundreds of jobs by category and filter interesting searches. Has a tool for storing your favorite offers and share them on social networks. You can also receive alerts by email.
4. Jobeeper: Post job offers dozens of employers pages. It is a locator offers. If you locate one that interest you, then you go straight to the website where you are and formalizes your application.
5. Monster: This application is one of the best you’ll find on your mobile devices. Look for Jobs and job offers that are around you using the GPS.