Beat the Boss at the Salary Negotiation Game
Employers have the upper hand when it comes to salary negations. We want to give you the power back, by teaching you the psychology of salary negations.
Employers will often offer you a salary and then you negotiate from there. With this technique you change around the tides of power. By taking control and using the psychology of comparison, you will walk away with a bigger salary then previously you would achieve and the best thing is the employer will think he has a good deal!
So to start:
You not the employer, needs first set the value high. By you first setting the initial offer, the employer will then come in under what you stated, but due to you setting the mark high (this has to be realistic) you will often receive a higher salary compared to when the employer sets the first initial offer, which is often low.
This is because we use the initial offer as a baseline and then the employer and employee negotiate from this first offer, all the following negotiations or salary offers are compared to the original offer as we naturally compare everything.
This happens in supermarkets when you see Was £10 now £5 – you think wow what a deal, but would you have thought “what a deal” if the product just said £5 with no half price deal? Most people would act differently even though the cost of the product is the same – its only the sign that has altered
In this example the employer’s original offer is £25,000, your counter offer is £35,000, the final offer will be around £30,000.
If you set the initial offer for the same position at £42,000, the employer’s first offer will be around £30,000 which means the final offer will be around £35,000.
Now obviously these figures and offers will vary depending on your experiences, negotiation skills and the employer’s business acumen, but the point is by setting the initial offer high, highlighting your value, you will be offered a higher wage while leaving the employer believing that their shrewdness has secured them a good deal (you asked for £42,000 and accepted £35,000 – £5,000 more than you would have accepted if the employer set the bar low with his initial offer).
To take full advantage of this technique you first need to take control and speak up, this way you can put on the table the higher baseline which the employer will work from – good luck.
Chris Delaney – Author of the 73 Rules for Influencing the Interview using Psychology, NLP and Hypnotic Persuasion Techniques
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