Breast feeding

Breast milk is the best thing you can feed the baby, and skin contact with the mother’s body from the first hour is a mutual experience unique and unrepeatable recognition. It is important to start the breast as soon as possible, recent studies demonstrate that begin breastfeeding within one hour helps save lives begins. Several international organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF and the Argentina Society of Pediatrics (SAP) recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and continued breastfeeding with the addition of other suitable and safe foods up to two years old prescription. Breast milk is the best food for the child, covering all the necessary nutrients, and gives antibodies that prevent the disease and protect against infections (diarrhea, respiratory problems). It also prevents other long term diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and allergies.

Breast milk is always available, a suitable temperature, is economical and safe. Breastfeeding also benefits the mother as it helps the uterus contract more quickly after delivery, the mother gets the pre-pregnancy weight sooner, protects from diseases like breast and uterine cancer and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. This also benefits the family economy by reducing the cost of feeding the baby.

How can you help mother while breastfeeding?
The mother needs help from family, neighbors and friends to make daily tasks and allow the

mother to spend more time with the newborn.

Mother Food:
Breastfeeding is a special physiological condition where the woman is very important to take

care of food as it is the only way to provide all the necessary nutrients for mother and baby.

The diet should be varied to include all the nutrients as each fulfills a specific function in

optimal amounts. Looking at the graph of healthy eating in the basic food groups are

represented, we can make a balanced diet combining foods from all groups as a single food or

group does not provide nutrients, vitamins and minerals needed for this important stage. It is

very important that the nursing mother continue to take iron and consume a variety of foods:
• Cereals, pulses and dairy products: rice, bread, crackers, pasta, etc.
• Vegetables and fruit of every kind and color
• Milk and dairy products: yogurt, cheese, milk-based desserts
• Meats (beef, chicken, fish) and egg
• Oils, nuts, seeds and fats (butter, cream)
• Sugars and sweets
• Water

It is important not to smoke, not drink alcohol, no drugs, and no excessive amounts of caffeine

as these substances pass through breast milk harming the health of the baby. Always consult

your doctor if any medications used and certain drugs are contraindicated in breastfeeding.

Studies show that the diet of the nursing mother alters the sensory qualities of milk, however

there is no risk, only the child’s exposure to odors and tastes in food during early childhood

will determine future preferences (such is the case with garlic or onion).

Breastfeeding positions:
It is important that she is comfortable, relaxed when going to put the baby to the breast. The

use of cushions and pillows for comfort, to support the head and back is recommended. The

babies should be fed on demand, every time you ask! If the baby is awake and hungry will

respond quickly with rooting. The classical position is the baby in front of mom, his head

resting on his elbow, the belly of the baby must be supported in the belly of the mom, and the

baby should be taken with all the dark mouth of the nipple (areola). When the mother should

stop breast-feeding for some reason you must place a finger in the corner of the mouth to

separate the breast, this prevents the child from hurting the nipple. Babies can breastfeed

without interruption of a breast until it is empty, and you can follow each other if you

continue with hunger. Depletion of the breast is good for the baby because at the end of it is

the oilier part of the blowjob and more calories. It is advisable to provide at the beginning

of each feeding a different order to obtain the complete emptying of both breast.

Signs of adequate food:
• Is fed at least 8 times per day (can be up to 12 or 16 times).
• Change sucking rhythm during the meal.
• You can hear the baby swallowing milk how to suck.
• Wet at least 6 diapers in the day, taking only breast.
• For at least 3 stools per day (may be less frequent).
• Maintain a normal weight gain.
• Baby note alert, awake.

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