Challenging Interview Questions you Should Prepare to Answer

The questions that will be asked will vary by employer. However, there are some standard questions that most interviewers ask.

Two open questions employers often used to make the candidates speak are: “Tell me about yourself” and “How can I help?” These questions can be difficult to answer because they are very spacious. Your goal should be to avoid the temptation to give a general answer. Instead, direct your reply to show the employer how you are qualified for the position. Focus your answer on your strengths (skills and aptitudes) that relate directly to the job available.

Answer all questions briefly and specifically. While some questions may be discriminatory, you can answer. Remember that all should always answer the best possible image of his person. Always try to relate the questions to the job for which you are applying.

The best way to relax and build confidence in yourself is: practice, practice, practice!

Frequently asked questions during interviews

Question : Tell me about yourself.

Answer Indicate trustworthiness, stability, interests and work-related skills and other positive qualities.

Question : What are your plans for the future?

Answer : Express your desire to gain more experience on the job. Say you want to become a valuable employee for the company. If you’ve heard that it is a company which is good work, say so.

Question : Have you done this kind of work before?

Answer : Never answer no. Mention similar types of tasks in their education, training or experience paid and unpaid. Refer to your ability to learn quickly or their suitability for such work.

Question : Why do you want to work here?

Answer : State your interest in the company and be positive in your response. You must include the following:

The good reputation of the company within the community.
The pride that you would be able to say that work there.
Honest employer.
The way the company values ​​good employees.
Pleasant working conditions.
The important thing is to mention that likes this kind of work and you feel you can do well.

Question: What kind of machines, tools or equipment you use?

Answer: Your answer should include all information on any machine that is related to the job and also any hobbies that require the skills needed for the position. Know the name of all types of equipment to be operated.

Question: Can you work under pressure and deadlines?

Answer: If the employer asks this question, it probably means that this is part of the job. Your response should ensure the employer that you can indeed work under pressure and to deadlines. Must mention examples of previous work or related experiences in which he has to work under such conditions. For example, if you worked in a restaurant, you can mention pressures lunch that I had to attend to many clients in a short period of time. Tell the employer could always do the job without getting nervous.

If you have been a student, you can mention that I often had to work under the pressure of completing reports by a certain date or had the pressure of studying for and taking exams. Or if you worked in any type of post production, we can mention that often had to fulfill orders quickly and on short notice and could always make the extra effort required to meet the deadline.

See Also: What Attitude Take a Job Interview?

How to answer job interview successfully

Question: Why did you leave your last job?

Answer: If it was for a legitimate reason, be brief and specific. Say that the company was going through a period of unemployment and that you did not have enough seniority. Whatever the reason, one explanation will suffice.

If it was for a reason that is weak (eg that you were fired), explain in a positive way how the situation has been corrected.

Do not say anything negative about your former employer. Nor say he left his job because he did not get along with your boss. The interviewer may do with the other company and / or have friends there. Moreover, it is too easy for an employer to assume that if you do not get along with his former boss, neither will the new.

List all the good things in his latest work, although it has not enjoyed working there. If you say negative things about your last job, the interviewer might think you will speak ill of this company and might not hire him for that reason.

Question: What did your previous employer about your work?

Answer: It is best to give a copy of an open letter of recommendation. If you do not, just say you always got on well with your employer and if you contact this person, you are sure to give you a good recommendation.

If you think you do not give a good recommendation, be brief and positive explaining the reasons.

Question: What are your goals for your career?

Answer: Indicate your desire to learn new things, get more experience and increase your value to the company. If you know that the company is a place where you can do, state your desire to learn their job well and eventually come to occupy a position of greater responsibility within it. If you are new promotion policy, not state a specific position waiting up because the employer may think you do not meet the available vacancy. Instead, simply say that hopes to become the best person the company has in that area.

Question: How long you plan to stay in this company?

Answer: Just say you’re not planning to move, marry, have children, or return to school, etc., and that since he sees no reason why he can not stay with the company for many years, is expected to be very happy with that job.

Question: What are your salary requirements?

Answer: Depending upon the work, competence and confidence in yourself:

State that you feel that any suggestion employer would be fair if we take into account their experience, expertise and the fixed wage rate of the company; Give the employer a salary range based on their competence, but be sure to make it clear that this is flexible and depends on the tasks and responsibilities of the job; Ask the employer what wage range was paid before for this post.
If possible, have your employer offers work before discussing compensation. Be careful not to mention a salary below or above the standard rate. If you mention a lower figure may end receiving less than what you would pay. If you mention a figure higher, you can not get the job.

Question: What is your greatest strength?

Answer: Mention something that is related to the job and explain how this could be useful for the company. You want to present yourself as a good employee (timely, efficient, organized, working to meet their obligations, which takes pride in his work, etc.).

Question: What is your weakest point?

Answer: Transform a strong one weak point. Examples: “I finish a job even if it means working longer hours” or “I tend to be too organized.”

Question: How would you describe yourself?

Answer: Indicate positive attributes that the employer would like you to have. Examples: friendly, honest, punctual, efficient, organized, responsible, cooperative, hardworking, creative, disciplined, intelligent, lively, cheerful. Never say anything negative.

Question: What do you know about our company?

Answer: Your answer should include information on the history of the company and the product or products manufactured or services rendered. For information, see the reference desk of any library or your Wisconsin Job Center .

Question: What did while he was out of work?

Answer: Express the constructive things you did, such as studies, volunteer work and temporary jobs. You need to give the impression of having been active and not idle when it was unoccupied.

Question: How many days missed from work or school last year?

Answer: Attendance records are important to employers, so if you are not sure of the exact number of days missed, give a conservative estimate. If you lost days due to a specific disease, tell the employer has recovered and therefore do not interfere with your job. It’s a good idea to present a medical certificate attesting that.

Question: At what point when it will be available to work?

Answer: Express your willingness to begin as soon as possible. If you are unsure about accepting the position, set a reasonable decision to inform the employer time.

Question: Why should we hire you and not someone else?

Answer: Explain all the qualities you have that would make you an asset to the company. For example:

Good attendance and punctuality;
personal attributes such as kindness, honesty and efficiency;
Extra labor competency and skill you possess;
speed to work with a very low margin of error;
good relationship with supervisors;
Availability to work overtime.
You can also tell that you like this kind of work, which is good at it and think you would work more than other people.

Question: Do you have any questions?

Answer: This is a common question among interviewers. Prepare some questions before the interview. It’s a good opportunity to clarify details see how the company works and show their interest in it and in the post.

Examples of questions to ask during the interview:

  • Will I work alone or with others?
  • Who will be my supervisors, either directly or indirectly?
  • What are the biggest challenges you think I find in this company?
  • What are the key tasks and responsibilities of this position?
  • How the company to expand or grow in the years to think?
  • Would it be possible to see the area where I work?
  • Could you talk to some employees?
  • Why this company is a good place to work?
  • Do you have any company literature I can take with me?
  • Is there a trial period?
  • Who will evaluate my performance? When and how?
  • What can you tell me about new products or services that the company is planning to introduce?
  • What the company’s position within the industry?
  • What challenges this company or this department faces?
  • Can you describe a typical day at work?
  • Where does this position within the organizational structure of the company?
  • How would you describe the working environment of the company?
  • What improvements do you feel could be the person you hire?
  • Why have you gone outside the company to fill this position?
  • Is this a new position?
  • How would you describe your leadership style?
  • Could you describe the relationship between the employment and the overall goals of your department and company?
  • What are some of the most important goals you would like to see accomplished in this job.
  • Does your company encourage participation in community projects?
  • Will there be overtime or travel?
  • What benefits does the company offer?
  • Do you have a bonus plan, stock purchase options, profit sharing, expense accounts?
  • What is the transfer policy within the company?
  • What career growth opportunities offered?
  • Why let this put the person who occupied
  • What strengths or abilities should have the ideal candidate for this position?
  • Could you describe the duties of this job?
  • How many people have held this position in the last two years?
  • What kind of equipment, machines and tools will I be working?
  • Is there anything I can do or study to get a head work?
  • In what schedule will work if hired?
  • What is the approximate average payment for this position?

To close the job interview

People remember what they see first and the last I heard.

Do you think I have the qualifications you are looking for?
Is there anything else you would like to know about me?
Are there any areas in which you feel I fail to comply with their demands?
When do you plan to make a decision on hiring
Shake hands with the interviewer.
Tell the employer expects to hear.


Close the interview positively

Before the end of the interview, tell the interviewer that you really want the job and that can contribute to the company.

Make sure the interviewer has a telephone number you can be reached during working hours thereof at least in the coming days. If you currently have a job, you may want to set a schedule in which you can return calls interviewer.

Pay attention when you end the interview and retire at that time. Do not stand in the doorway with unnecessary questions.

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