Companies using social networks to select employees

Companies using social networks to select employees
A recent study indicates that social networks are currently some of the channels where several companies look to future employees as recruiting tool. Among the useful social media to job search is LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
The curriculum or resume in Social Media is taking important and is crucial to find and offer jobs. Most companies are you turning to social media to find and evaluate candidates mentioned on the website Careertracing.
- Public Service Electric and Gas Needs Staff – Job Opportunities
- Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco) Job Opportunities
- 1554 Vacancies Open in Enterprise Products
- Qatar Railway Job Opportunities – Qatar Railway Jobs
- Dubai Needs Airports Staff – Dubai Airports Jobs
Some facts: ( Companies using social networks to select employees )
- In 2012 – 2014, 93% of companies use social media to recruit new employees.
- In 2011, 89% of companies use social media to recruit new employees.
- In 2010 there were only 6%
- 92% of contracts in 2010 planned to recruit through social networks of which 86% use LinkedIn, 60% use
- Facebook and 50% use Twitter.
- 1 in 3 employers rejected candidates based on something I found about them online.
- 14.4 million people used social networks to find your last job in 2011.
- 6/1 is the average unemployed for every new job that opens in America.
- 50% of contracting companies plan to invest more in recruitment through social networks.
- 80% of companies use LinkedIn to find talent.
- 86% of employers say that candidates should make their occupational interests friendlier Social Media.