Demand jobs that do not require a title
Demand jobs that do not require a title
A college degree is very expensive and forces students into debt for years after graduation. Fortunately, there are many jobs in demand that are well paid and do not require a degree. Some of these jobs require you to pass a test, you take a short training course or be the apprentice of an experienced professional. Others require only that can do the job, regardless of how you learned to do.
Truck Driving
There is a noticeable shortage of truck drivers in the United States. Just spend a short training course for certification Hat. The Department of Motor Vehicles in your state will provide formal proof for the CDL. Truckers can ascend to the best position remunerated transport manager, which requires interpersonal and organizational skills, but not a title.
Website Design
Individuals and organizations publish new websites every day. It starts as a web designer by creating a portfolio of work. Offer your design services to individuals and small organizations to develop your first sites. You can learn by taking some adult education classes or self- taught.
Work in real estate requires long hours and unpredictable ability to develop relationships with customers. To become a real estate agent, you need to complete 60-90 hours of classroom training and then pass a licensing examination.
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Home health care
Because the elderly population has increased in the United States, demand for health care services in the home has increased steadily. Many seniors want to maintain a certain level of independence, but need a little help at home to deal with problems related to health. Try to areas with high population of elderly to easily find a job in this field.
Air Traffic Controller
The Bureau of Labor Statistics says there will be a large number of retirements in the Federal Aviation Association (FAA, for its acronym in English) over the next decade. The air traffic controllers earn over $ 100,000 a year, so competition for one of these vacancies will be fierce. A degree is not required for this job. You must be under 30 years of age to take the training, which lasts several months, in the center of formation of the FAA in Oklahoma City.
Become an apprentice electrician being an experienced and obtaining a state license to work independently. Your income is determined by the number of regulars who can grasp, that can accumulate over the years.