Hepatitis patients require observing a very strict diet, not to punish the liver. Therefore, it is essential to maintain strict control over food. At the beginning of the disease, the state of nausea and vomiting occur, the patient is given a fractionated, liquid, in small quantities and at various times the power day. But as the patient regains its appetite must enter a normal, balanced, palatable and governed by the requirements of sick diet. That strict diet for an extended period is also part of oblivion. Even food restrictions with fatty contents which were also banned in the past now are limited exclusively to the early days of the disease and the patient’s taste. GENERAL DIET Eating cereals, fruits, vegetables, dairy and meats ensures healthy and complete diet. Restricting fats only in case of disease of the biliary tract (or other stones) and also have elevated cholesterol and triglycerides. ALCOHOL AND TOXIC EFFECTS It is known that alcohol enhances hepatic inflammation by viruses B and / or C. It is believed that the daily amount of alcohol that does not cause damage is less than 10g per day, equivalent to about half a glass of wine a day or a glass of beer a day. People can not have moderation with alcohol should refrain at all consumption. In patients with moderate to severe liver disease or B virus C absolute abstinence from alcohol is recommended. The feeding and liver correlate in many ways. The diet can help maintain a healthy liver. The juice of carrots, beets (beets), cucumber, spinach, celery, wheat grass and parsley are used to cleanse the liver fasting. So I guess they are good for the liver. We recommend a diet low in protein to minimize the stress on the liver. Whole foods diets that follow a hypoglycemic diet, which involves eating small amounts throughout the day, avoid stressful foods such as refined sugars, alcohol, and caffeine. Eat plenty of filtered water. Drinking freshly squeezed lemon juice every morning and evening in addition to liquefied vegetables is one of the most therapeutic regimens for the liver. Do this continuously for two to four weeks and from there several mornings a week for several months and when the liver symptoms reappear. Take lots of vegetables each day. Ideally, at least one meal a salad and vegetable steamed or lightly sauteed daily. Grains that are easily digestible, such as cornbread, buckwheat and quinoa are very good. The natural substances to help your liver to be detoxified are as close as your kitchen cupboard. Eating foods rich in lecithin (soybean), essential fatty acids (salmon, flax oil) and high in fiber and antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, vegetables are a culinary art of gourmet to your liver. Reducing the intake of saturated fats, refined carbohydrates and animal protein amounts and avoid excessive alcohol are recommendations that are good for your liver and for the health of your entire body. The dandelion root and artichoke are optimal dietary spices during spring that are useful in improving the flow of bile from the liver. In addition to these foods, supplements such as L-methionine is an excellent choice for a congested liver. The sulfur containing amino acid will not only improve the flow of bile, but also helps protect the liver gluten. Gluten peroxide is one of the most important detoxification enzymes in the body and partly stands for a toxic methionine liver attack … Since sodium (salt) promotes water retention, patients with retention fluid can cut your sodium intake by avoiding foods such as canned soups and vegetables, meats, dairy products, and condiments like mayonnaise and ketchup. In fact, most prepared foods contain large amounts of sodium, while fresh foods contain almost sodium. The best salt substitute is lemon juice. In general, a reduction in the recommended intake of meat protein, which is the most toxic protein for the brain, and its replacement by vegetable protein.