Easy To Implement Tips To Help You To Stand Out From Other Candidates In Your Job Search

When people start to look for a new career post, many view it as a fairly simple exercise. The common perception is that if you simply contact recruitment agencies, send in your old CV or career resume, and contact a few friends to let them know you are looking, that will suffice. In today’s job market that is a recipe for failure.

Employers today are looking for exceptional candidates, and know that they can have their pick, because there are so many people on the market, either unemployed or actively looking. Anyone looking for a new career post in today’s market has to adopt a very different strategy to that which was used just 10 years ago. There is a great deal of preparatory work to be done and this takes time and effort. To begin with the old out of date CV or career resume just will not do. Instead a good resume today must contain evidence that you can save a company money or make money for them. In addition it must show that you have the requisite soft skills.

It must also demonstrate that even although you may not be an expert in it, you must be able to demonstrate a reasonable grasp of how to use technology to make yourself and your team more productive. This means you must have a reasonable knowledge of how to use the Internet, social media, IT systems, and anything else that is needed in today’s fast paced globally connected world. But it does not just and with putting these things on the career resume. The candidate must demonstrate that they actually do use them on a day-to-day basis. Therefore in any career campaign you must be able to communicate with the market in a number of ways.

Firstly, the candidate should learn as much as they possibly can(and there are many good books on the market to teach this) about how to use LinkedIn.

Secondly it is advisable to set a blog which you regularly post to. The reasons for this are quite simple. A blog is a much more dynamic document that the standard CV or career resume and regular up-to-date posts about projects you have undertaken, skills you have learned, responsibilities you have taken, gives a very up-to-date picture of what you can do, and in addition it saves you having to update your CV or resume every 3 to 4 months. Instead you can simply put a link to your blog within your CV. Using blogger.com, is a free service.

easy tips

However you can register a domain name and upload WordPress to your new site and many people prefer this option when creating a blog. You should also ensure that your LinkedIn profile is also shown on your career resume. Despite this being a fairly simple exercise, relatively few people do it. Yet going to the trouble of performing this simple actions will immediately differentiate you from 99% of the other candidates applying for a job.

By Peter D Robson

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