ENI Oil and Gas Recruitment | Worldwide

ENI Oil and Gas Recruitment | Worldwide

ENI OIL AND GAS vocations is a vitality organization We are Eni: a vitality organization focused on assuming an unequivocal job in the change towards a low carbon future. We are searching for venturesome individuals who need to go along with us in our various, enthusiastic and creative group, carrying practical access to vitality for all. Individuals are our vitality.

Eni S.p.A. (Italian articulation: [ˈɛːni]) is an Italian global oil and gas organization headquartered in Rome. Considered one of the seven “Supermajor” oil organizations on the planet, it has activities in 66 nations with a market capitalization of US$55.61 billion, starting at 31 December 2019.

Our procedure for 2050: to react with quick, monetarily maintainable and demonstrated answers for the test of improving access to dependable and clean vitality, battling environmental change and supporting human improvement in accordance with the UN’s Feasible Advancement Objectives (SDGs).


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