Errors during job interview

Errors during job interview
What mistakes people when they go to a job interview? In this article you will know what the most common mistakes that people make when they are going to a job interview.
Many of these errors are due to a candidate not tested before going to the interview and others are because it just gets nervous. Then we mention what these errors are:
– Not being punctual
– do not know the means by where did you find the job (notice the newspaper, some contact, etc).
– failure to seek information about the company (rotation or brand, products sold or manufactured, competition, etc) – No show much enthusiasm for the proposed work
– Stay silent at the end of the interview .
– Speak only on your work experience and not include things like academic and personal background.
– Mention irrelevant data for the post
– not knowing what is your salary expectation
– not be clear what area you want to work, to show that you accept any job, this reflects that are desperate and is not favorable
– Use many technical words especially when conversing with someone from Human Resources or Personnel Area of an organization.
– Show you anxious
– not knowing sold
– Thinking negatively before going to the interview
– Give short answers too, without commenting data and adding value to them
– not to mention your accomplishments
– Mention negatives current or previous job
– Speaking ill of the current or previous boss
– Exaggerating the technical skills
– Demonstrate that you are overqualified for the job
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– Do not be sympathetic
– Demonstrate that you do not mind teamwork
– tutear the person interviewing you
– Demonstrate that bothers you complete psychometric tests or take medical exams
– Reflect insecurity in your answers
– To close when you mention aspects of your personality
– Treat the recruiter of “equals”.
– Try to tell the recruiter confidential aspects of the selection process
– not be ready to answer difficult questions Finally, it is important that at the end of the interview will not thank the interviewer for the time gave you, otherwise you will not considering in the selection process. Good luck in your job search!