Five things you should never tell your boss

Five things you should never tell your boss
No matter how tired you can be him or good the relationship, do not forget that is not your friend … It’s your boss. Here are some tips to never traspases asegures limits and professional life. Create a space safety and take precautions.

On more than one occasion you’ve asked yourself what are the advantages to socialize with your boss beyond office hours. Experts say that this socialization, properly understood, can profit when it comes to team. Impact on commitment and productivity, and this ultimately directly affects the income of the company.
You’ll also be concerned about the hazards of this socialization, your superior may know too much about you and may use that information against you is.
Some think that it is worth creating space to have difficult conversations. But be careful. Undoubtedly, there are aspects of your life that is better than your boss does not know, and there are things you should never tell.

Of course, we will leave aside the obvious: those issues on which you can never ask at a job interview, much less later, when you’ve already got the job: religious beliefs, political affiliation, social origin, if you’re a good family, how win your partner, sec(x)ual orientation, if suffering from any kind of disease …
1. Never tell your boss what you do during your free time; if you’re out at night; If you’ve stayed with friends; or if you’ve been helping one of your children to study for a test … I should be interested and do not have to know.
Be careful what you put on Facebook or Twitter, especially if it has happened to you add and you know you can keep an eye on social networks. It is obvious, but never criticize him or your company on social networks. Insulting is foolhardy.
It is not just about hanging pictures or comment or inappropriate. Some, believing that makes good use of networks, assumes the highest professional risk.
Note that certain tools and formulas Contact enable accessibility 24 hours hauling availability unseen by employees. This implies that the line between personal and professional life is almost completely faded. But it also implies a brutal labor market change. It is the tip of the iceberg of a new way of working, a new relationship between professionals and companies.
2. If your boss is not up to your needs and expectations (to put it nicely) you must pass calmly, firmly and correctly what you think needs to be improved. If after doing no change to meet you, the choice is clear: go away to another professional project. This, in a nutshell, is what often leads to say that people go to their heads, not their companies.
3. Do not you ever tell the boss you that you are looking for work. You’ll appreciate this advice if you do not succeed eventually. When one seeks employment from his current position, the consequences depend on who knows. Not just keep it a secret or that the boss is aware of that search. And personal and professional implications may be different if, despite not having reported, our superior learns.
4. Never bands above your means. Do not say what you are not. This is not to say to your boss and others how great you are, but showing it without any qualms. Telling the truth will lead you to earn the trust and respect of who sent you and that helps build a solid reputation.
You have to master the skill? To transmit subtle but clear.
5. I can not ever say you’re underpaid, much less compare your salary or other companions with yours.

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