Flu, cold, cough, sore throat, chest discomfort … are not inevitable just because it’s cold.
A good diet, some herbal aids and good habits can help you through the winter like a rose. So
you know what action you should take, we made a tour to tell you how to fill your fridge and
your medicine cabinet in cold season.
That each station has its own food is not a coincidence. Nature brings you the nutrients your
body needs to be healthy in every season. In autumn and winter citrus fruits are the star
because they contain doses of vitamin C that our body uses to prevent and fight colds and
infections. But there are many other foods that act as natural medicines, fighting viruses that
lurk in winter.
Nothing is easier or cheaper to put them on your shopping list. Notes:
• Fruit . Start your day with a lemon or orange juice and take at least two more pieces of
fruit fresh throughout the day. In addition to providing vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, will
help to offset the increase in fats and carbohydrates that the body craves in winter. A basket.
Oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, kiwi, pineapple, mango, papaya, custard apples, bananas, etc.
• Nuts . It is the best time of year to take them, because the body needs more energy to
maintain body temperature and contain vitamins and healthy fats. Take a handful between meals
or whenever you need extra energy. It include breakfast will charge batteries all day. A
basket. Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, dates, raisins, etc.
• Vegetables . They have great properties for colds and respiratory diseases. Its content of
vitamin A is essential for healthy skin and mucous membranes. Take them daily, raw or lightly
cooked. A basket. Swiss chard, spinach, pumpkin, cabbage, cauliflower, mushrooms, beans, leeks,
artichokes, watercress. Without fail carrots (rich in carotenoids), garlic (natural antibiotic)
and broccoli (rich in iron and vitamin C).
• Legumes . Are star food in winter, when the body needs energy and hot dishes. Cooked fat will
provide plenty of fiber and low in calories. Take them at least twice a week. A basket. Chick
peas, white beans and pinto, kidney beans, white beans, beans or lentils.
• Cereals . Better integrated with little elaboration. We provide fiber and energy your body
needs for the day to day. With milk at breakfast, or as whole-grain crackers are a nutritional
Extra body will thank you. A basket. Cereals and crackers, bran and wheat germ.
• Fish . Take three to four times a week, contains heart-healthy fats Omega 3 and 6 -Omega,
protein, calcium and fewer calories. Fresh, frozen or canned is always an excellent choice. A
basket. Mackerel, sardines, anchovies, salmon, hake, shellfish, mollusks.
• Hydrates . With the cold your body will demand more energy food. Pasta , rice, potatoes and
bread are satisfying and very healthy foods that should not miss in your winter diet. Yes,
moderates their quantities, cook low fat, do not abuse the best sauces and take them at noon or
when you go to make a great physical effort. A basket. Potatoes, pasta and brown rice, or whole
grain bread oven.
• Proteins . In winter the body will ask more protein to maintain your daily activities, as
they are the mainstay of your muscles, prevent fatigue, allow for good mental functioning and
also prevent hunger pangs. A basket. Fish, eggs, chicken, turkey and dairy are the best animal
protein. The avocado and soy contain large amounts of fat-free vegetable protein.
• Fats . It is shown that in winter we need to eat more to maintain body temperature and to
counter the ‘blues’ that many people are caused by lack of light. Every diet should include fat
content, slightly higher in winter, but be smart and heart-healthy take them. A basket. Olive
oil , nuts, olives, lean meats, cheese, etc.
Influenza is an infectious disease caused by a virus, so antibiotics are not effective in their
treatment. It is manifested by fever, changes in the respiratory system and muscle aches. Food
is considered to play a key role in immune function.
Natural remedies and herbal medicine
Echinacea . You will prevent many colds and flu because it keeps your immune system in shape.
Propolis . It is the flagship component of many herbal nutritional supplements. It will help
keep your defenses high during winter.
Garlic . If you can not stand the taste, you can take daily in the form of small tablets. It is
excellent to prevent all kinds of infections. Garlic is the most potent natural antibiotic that
exists, but without the side effects of chemical drugs. Medium garlic clove daily tablets or
equivalent sufficient to protect your defenses.
Brewer’s yeast . It is a perfect place to maintain high defenses which also takes care of your
hair and your nails dietary supplement.
Thyme . Taken infusion has excellent antiseptic properties that help you fight off colds.
Cat’s Claw . To boost the immune system. Also against fevers, flu (especially children),
sinusitis, colds, pneumonia, asthma and allergies. Natural Antiviral.
The elderberry, astragalus and yarrow are herbs that will also help prevent colds.
In addition, herbalists and shops of natural or organic products you will find healthy,
nutritious and processed without additives and industrial processed to help you keep your
defenses high foods.
When flu has already contracted
Once the flu has already started to show its first signs, it is useless to take any
antibiotics, as they have no effect on viruses. While you can choose to take medication can
alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms of the flu such as nasal decongestants, analgesics for
pain and antipyretics for fever.
It should be noted that once you have contracted the flu, food still plays a major role.
Liquids have an essential role, as in case of fever, prevent dehydration and dryness of mucous
membranes, help eliminate toxins in the body. One option is to take herbal teas such as
eucalyptus, echinacea or verbena, as well thus providing the body fluids, it is possible to
take full beneficial properties that these plants have on the airways.
When a flu sufferer, it is very useful to prepare various and easy to digest foods that are not
too fatty and are cooked through gentle techniques such as boiled, grilled or oven to try to
alleviate the lack of appetite that often appear to suffer a bout of flu.
How does the flu spread?
Flu is spread by sick people themselves through droplets caused by talking, coughing or
sneezing. Less frequently, it can also be transmitted by direct contact, such as touching a
patient’s hand and then the nose or mouth of a healthy person. Patients may spread the flu from
one day before the onset of symptoms until about 3-7 days after getting sick. Children can pass
for more than seven days after the onset of symptoms. Although some infected people do not
develop the flu, they can transmit.
Good Habits
Sleeping desarrollada, go out with wet hair, being with someone constipated, temperature changes
… In winter you should be careful with this kind of thing to prevent colds. Besides avoiding
sudden temperature changes, you must take extreme measures of hygiene in everyday things
(towels, napkins, utensils, clothing, etc.), as the flu spreads easily from person to person
and even across of objects.
Avoid as far as possible to those in the flu. If people with flu at work, try airing several
times a day the place where you are to drive the virus. Combat dryness by placing containers of
water heating. At noon, he ventures outside to breathe less stale air.