How common is sharing a bed with your baby?

Sleeping with your baby, co-sleeping, family bed, co-sleeping. Beyond the name we give it, usually means sleeping in the same bed with your child instead of sleeping in separate beds in many parts of the world families sleep together . And this trend is growing in the United States. A national study published in 2003 found that between 1993 and 2000, the number of infants 7 months of age or younger who normally sleep with an adult increased from 5.5 to 12.8 percent.
How do I know if sharing a bed with my baby is good for my family?
The decision to create a family bed is personal: what is good for some families may not be best for you.

The health and safety of your child are the most important considerations. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children not sleep in your bed, and argues that it is not good for their health and wellbeing, but many parents do not agree. If you want additional information, read below “Security and family bed”.

Some people love the warmth of sleeping with your little one. Others say they have a hard time with a restless child sleep in bed.

Some babies sleep better close to their parents. Others seem to sleep better by themselves.

Other important points have time to bond for busy families today, sleep together can be a way to connect after having spent the day apart. Breast or bottle overnight moms who sleep with baby say it is easier to breastfeed or bottle if they have at their side. If you breastfeed, once you get used to breastfeed side your baby is nestled next to you, perhaps just you wake when it is feeding time. Helps your little one to latch and then come back to stay asleep. If your baby takes a bottle, you can leave it ready to give it when you wake up, and go back to sleep immediately after you pass it. Others say that proximity makes baby wakes up more to eat. And sharing a bed can make it harder for the baby’s waking up at night to breastfeed or bottle. Babies who are breastfed, especially, feel the smell of the milk of their mothers, and can develop the habit of waking up often at night to feed and continue to do so when they have no physical need for food. The relationship between you Some moms and dads find that sleeping with your children makes it difficult to find time to be alone and reconnect, or is a barrier in their sex life. Other parents say they are forced to be more resourceful and creative to find time for intimacy. If you share a bed with your little one, surely you’ll have to plan a time to spend alone with your partner rather than waiting to emerge spontaneously. Depending on your point of view and according to how you feel, plan intimacy might work tedious, or a fun new adventure.

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