Waiter & Waitress Jobs in Canada Hotels
Waiter & Waitress Jobs in Canada Hotels
Jobs in Canada are in plenty and the situation is improving particularly after the recession is over. Canada is considered a leading economy in the world and a developed country – a member of G8. Post-industrial revolution, Canada has come up with lots of strength in growth and development. Nearly 75% of Canadian GDP comes from the service sector. Offering extremely attractive growth prospects to people and also employment option in Canada is considered as good as good of the US and Western Europe.
Growth prospects in Canada for Employees
As has been admitted earlier, Canada jobs are basically knowledge based jobs. Canada is trying to build a knowledge based industry which is not only growing at fast pace but challenging the other players also. The growth and development in Canadian economy is more or less similar to the USA and both the countries have similar growth rate. Migrant workers from around the world flock in large numbers to earn their livelihood in Canada.
There are numerous instances which show that there are hundreds of success stories i.e. people came to work and settled in Canada. Leading sectors offering jobs in Canada such as Franchising, News media, Hospitality industry (e.g. restaurants, hotels, casinos), Consulting, Legal practice, Healthcare/hospitals, Waste disposal, Real estate, Personal services, Business services, etc. attract youngsters not only from Canada but from around the world also.
Neighboring countries: the US is popular, but no less popular is Canada when it comes to get an employment in Canada. Employment options in Canada and various Jobs in Toronto or Jobs in Victoria are in plenty. However, Montreal and Ottawa offer vacancies that are quite popular for obvious reasons. Notwithstanding, jobs in Canada are popular for the reason that there is full respect for human labor and wages are quite higher in comparison to other countries.
Jobs in various sectors in Canada
Though Canada has lots of tractable land, agriculture is least favorite occupation. However, Canadian land is fertile and produces a lot in less input which makes agriculture a profitable occupation in Canada. It was the industrial revolution which helped Canada come out of agricultural economy to modern economy. Various sectors of Canada economy such as retail sector, financial services, real estate, education, health, high-tech, entertainment and tourism, etc. are some of the largest employers in Canada.
Canada has massive raw materials and mines which are exported to gain Foreign Exchange. From agriculture to service, Canada economy has come strength to strength. The booming economy of Canada is calling companies across the globe to operate from here and genera employment opportunities. Globalization has helped Canadian economy at great length and new opportunities for jobs and growth have come up in recently.