Epidemiological data showing the existence of an inverse relationship between the consumption of carbohydrates and body mass index. Among populations with a high intake of carbohydrates a lower prevalence of obesity in areas with high consumption of animal fats is observed. Epidemiological studies show that at the beginning of the 60s the prevalence of obesity and overweight in Mediterranean countries was much lower than in other industrialized countries. If however, in recent decades the lifestyle and eating habits have changed over the greater part of the Mediterranean population, which traditionally was one based on olive oil as the principal source of fat, bread as a staple diet, high intake of grains, vegetables and fruits, and a moderate consumption of meat and dairy products. Although olive oil has a high energy content compared to other types of fat (9 calories per gram), the traditional Mediterranean diet on the amount contained oil is not sufficient to cause obesity by itself. This product is the main source of fat, but also the consumption of animal fat is pretty low on the Mediterranean diet, while foods of plant origin ingested in larger quantities. The Mediterranean diet is high in carbohydrate complex carbohydrates and fiber and provides energy content according to the needs of an active person without becoming hypercaloric, so that its adoption is to be regarded as a measure of prevention of obesity. This ensures that the food is low in total fat and saturated fat and provide lots of antioxidants, essential in the prevention of various chronic diseases The Mediterranean diet is a philosophy of life based on: · One way to feed a composite combination of traditional ingredients or updated using modern technologies. · recipes and ways of cooking area. · Culture and lifestyles typical of the Mediterranean. · The combination of its components given a healthy diet. Basic rules · Must get used to three meals including daily and remain without eating so inflexible. · Weight Control advised by good scale or a tape volume, as shown by the results and strengthen the will and perseverance. · It is very convenient to make a good digestion. What fat are prohibited · cream, butter, fatty meats, sauces with flour, types of meat, fish, poultry and fatty cheeses. Should significantly reduce the intake of salt, potatoes, flour and candy. · Avoid especially sweets, nuts, heavy cakes, mayonnaise. · It is advisable to take some coffee, no alcohol, and try not to drink during meals. How to make a Mediterranean diet When pulses are very energetic meals are taken, the second plate should not be less so for “spend” calories. For example, it may be fish or egg with salad. The main course rice allows more calories, for example chicken or turkey. No potatoes accompany because rice is a carbohydrate and potatoes too. A second pasta and meat or fish, depending how you accompany pasta is a good option. You may also be unique dish. A cooked vegetables sautéed with oil, garlic and a few strips of bacon is a perfect example. Alternatively, after cooking, gratinarla with bechamel, but that adds more calories. As a second can be loaded inks this time, so a good steak frites. A potato stew goes well with meat or fish. Can be single dish. For those dinners a little lighter meals like soups, pizza and egg. Eye with sausage sandwiches, which are high in fat and therefore high dose of calories. It is advisable to get used to taking a plate of freshly made, that satiates and just have calories (if not cheese, olives, nuts, tuna, etc) is added.