Organic Food

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 6 per cent of degenerative diseases are caused by poor nutrition. The importance of eating well not only lies in properly combine the different food groups in our diet but consume quality products. This could help, and much, organic food, which allows us to know exactly what we’re getting. Those who choose to seek a green diet actually health. Understand this type of food, based on non-industrialized products free of chemicals, such as “medicine” to get an inner being that is also reflected at an external level. The use of biological, ecological, biodynamic or organic terms is regulated by law and reserved for agricultural and food products certified under the current regulations, but sometimes allows that some foods use the term “natural” in their name. This is the case of yogurt, coffee and mineral water, among others. However, some products use the term as a publicity gimmick associated with higher quality. Many of the products called “bio” that we find in the market does not come from organic agriculture. Cheese, butter, crackers or milk commonly found in supermarkets with the word “organic” on the label are not of biological origin but containing bifidus. You have to look good because they are two very different things and is the main reason that various ecological associations have denounced the fact. These actions certainly have their effects, and last January 21 Snack Ventures SA had to recall the range of products it sells chips with the name of “Lay’s Mediterranean” false advertising. A Barcelona judge ruled to put on the package of such potatoes “made with olive oil” was inaccurate as it only represents 2 percent of the total composition of the product. The same company acknowledged that the potatoes are not fried in olive oil but vegetable oil and olive oil “was added as pure seasoning.” If all food products have guarantees of safety and quality, organic farming should meet additional criteria as regards production and food processing. Special importance to the protection of the environment is given, and in regard to livestock, to animal welfare. The beef bearing the EU logo for organic production is guaranteed to have been produced following the strict rules laid . by the European Commission’s why many brands are now required to specify on the packaging of its products a more accurate explanation of the presumed origin. There is a wide range of organic foods on which sits organic diet: fruits, vegetables, vegetables, processed products (oils, cereals, pasta, soft drinks, etc.), dairy and meat. There are also numerous streams within this type of diet, such as naturopathy, raw food, macrobiotic, etc. Comprehensive Organic food is perhaps the one that gathers the most relevant of all and the most practiced principles, based on consumption of whole grains, legumes and dairy products (are crucial from soybeans: tophus, miso and soy sauce) and land and sea vegetables (seaweed). These principles are supplemented with sprouted buds, fruit juices and vegetables, seeds, oils and cold pressed consumption ferments like sauerkraut natural fermentation. They also advocate the consumption of meat, dairy and chicken from organic sources, especially sea fish, since they provide essential fatty acids omega 3 and 6. The biological products called from agriculture and livestock. The first born in order to grow crops of high nutritional quality using traditional techniques that respect the environment and conserve soil fertility without chemical-synthetic products. And the second is created from local animals of the country, controlled from origin based breastfed up to eight months, with foods that do not use non-fat or animal meal or additives of any kind to process growth or fattening. All organic products undergo strict food safety controls, by regional and European authorities, and incorporate a quality seal that certifies the authenticity of its origin. The consumption of organic food is not, or much less, overcrowded. The main obstacle to be overcome biological food is its high price. The economic difference between conventional food and organic is abysmal in many cases, so that people who are attracted to this type of diet and do not have a large budget to purchase must resign themselves to acquire conventional products using word “natural” or “organic” on their labels so. The price of this type of food is high because, first, it is an alternative and minority culture still requires a large number of intermediaries, and secondly Instead, because the distribution is still done in specialized rather large shopping malls or conventional feed. While it is true that more and more large stores that devote space to these products, it is still not enough to reduce costs and bring these foods to consumers. With the objective of making available to most consumption usual organic food, it is necessary to reduce the price of these products. This is not to equate price with conventional food, but to place them in an acceptable and affordable levels, since many people are willing to pay a little more for a product they know is made ??naturally, without pesticides or chemicals. As in so many other areas of modern life, you begin to appreciate the quality that much more, but this does not mean that consumers are willing to pay double for organic products: A carton of soy milk in a supermarket is three times cheaper than a retail store. Spanish products that leave our borders: All Spanish autonomous communities have become aware of the environment and devotes most of its economy to the export of organic products. Galicia, for example, was the first Spanish region to sell organic milk to foreign countries. Demand for this product has soared in recent months and the Galician organic milk has used the tug to compete in the foreign market. Another case of the Balearic Islands, which have opted for the export of wine and biological preserves. The organic food has gone from being a rarity distributed by small shops to become a lawsuit also served by supermarkets and specialty supermarkets, that bulky orders, try to offer these products at cheaper prices. The policy of this kind of supermarket not so different from the conventional ones, although the contents of their shelves with labels strictly ecological accrediting him as such. This is demonstrated with organic sausages, which are widely sold and whose difference is that conventional come from animals that have consumed natural pastures and have not been treated with antibiotics but are just as tasty. The sale at supermarkets and hypermarkets may represent the first ” assault “a generalization of products from biological agriculture in Spain, which is curiously one of the major producers in Europe but whose consumption does not exceed one percent of the total power, compared to ten percent of Denmark, for example. For that organic farming does not use synthetic chemicals such as fertilizers, pesticides or antibiotics, get food with all its natural properties while contributing to environmental conservation means. To protect the crops are opt for organic combat pests, crop diversification, crop planting varieties adapted the environment and natural nutrients. In livestock, the animals were fed with products provided by the environment, is controlled to prevent overcrowding epidemics and is not allowed to use substances that promote abnormal growths. The remaining organic food should be made ??with natural additives and are prohibited addiction vitamin and mineral dyes. The figures support the launch of organic farming in Spain in recent . years According to the Yearbook of Food Mercasa, organic farming in Spain exceeds 665,000 hectares; twelve years ago it was 4,200 and no barrier was surpassed 100,000 hectares until 1996, representing an increase of 37 percent.

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