Personal questions in a job interview

Personal questions in a job interview
Personal questions are general questions about hobbies and interests, which often serve to break the ice in the interview work and be accompanied by an informal chat. Usually the interviewer is based on personal interests area of the curriculum to choose a topic of conversation to talk.

Although it may seem silly, personal interests may provide valuable clues to the interviewer about your way of being and behaving. For example, these are some of the qualities that might shed your personal interests:

Sports : are you good team play, you’re fit, you have a lot of energy, trust …
Reading : You’re calm, intelligent …
Exhibition : You are intellectual, creative …
Gardening : you’re quiet, caring, creative, calm …
Dancing : You are sociable. Care that it may also imply that you like staying up late …
Film : do not give too much information alone until you see the films are exposed.
Kitchen : You’re thoughtful, patient, creative …
Animals : you’re careful, you have a sense of responsibility, perhaps you’re loving and reliable …
     We also recommend the following:

Hiking : you are fit, but maybe you’re a little bored …
Extreme Sports : You are impulsive, daring, adventurous …
Collectibles : you have a passive approach, you’re not very active …

job interview question
job interview question

When preparing your resume, try to include interests and hobbies that provide useful clues about your ability to do the job you are applying for.
Never lie about your interests; could be that your interviewer is an expert. If you lie or exaggerate, at least make sure you remember what you wrote in your resume.

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