Possible questions you can ask in the interview


Possible questions you can ask in the interview


  • Tell me about yourself
  • Tell me a story of your life in which you successfully resolvieras a problematic situation
  • What makes a company if you hire you rather than another candidate? What differential element you contribute?
  • If you were in charge of making this choice and I were the candidate, what qualities would you like me to meet?
  • Do you like working with people or prefer to work alone?
  • Do you consider yourself as a leader or a follower? Why?
  • What was the most important decision you adopted in the past?
  • Define yourself with five adjectives.
  • What have you learned from your mistakes?
  • Did you just what you start?
  • Think of a teacher, a friend, your boyfriend / girlfriend in ……. If I asked how are you, what do you think would answer?
  • If all jobs have the same pay and the same social consideration what do you really like to do?
  • Describe your scale of values
  • What people like Madden?
  • Do you sleep well?
  • How do you usually react against the hierarchy?
  • How do you insert in a team?
  • What impression do you think I got you after this interview?


  • Why studied architecture, law, economics ………?
  • How did you decide to study …………. What other careers attracted you?
  • Who most influenced you in choosing your career?
  • What subjects liked you more / less and in which knocked best / worst grades?
  • To what extent your grades are due to your personal effort and to what extent your intelligence?
  • What changes would you have introduced in the curriculum of your faculty or school, if you could have?
  • What was the most rewarding experience during your life as a student?
  • Do you think your studies continue or expand somehow?
  • If you went back to begin your studies, what would you do differently?
  • For your additional training, what seminars or short courses have you done? What motivated you to do them?
  • Did you have any representative office for your time student? (Delegate of course, a member of the Tuna …?

Previous work

  • Tell me about your activities outside your studies
  • Did you perform any work “student” (classes, summer jobs, internship …)?
  • What did you learn during your previous works?
  • Are You ought to supervise the work of someone?
  • Which of your previous work did you like best / least? Why?
  • What is your most creative project or solution?
  • How do you wore with your peers, your boss, with your subordinates?
  • What was the most unpleasant situation you see? How did you cope?
  • Describe the best boss you’ve ever had. And the worst
  • Describe a typical day in your previous job
  • How did you get that job, that practice …?


  • What do you know about our company?
  • What attracts you to it?
  • What work environment do you prefer?
  • Do you prefer a predictable work or changing job?
  • What relationships do you think there should be between a boss and his immediate collaborator?
  • Would you be willing / aa move you to live in another city, another country, or travel frequently?
  • Do you have a geographic preference?
  • What do you think can be for you the greatest difficulty in passing from student life to working life?
  • Which department (marketing, finance, production, commercial …) attracts you most?
  • What are your strengths and your weaknesses for this position?
  • What do you see yourself doing in five, ten years?
  • What are your long term goals? How do you think you can achieve?
  • How did you learn of the existence of this position?
  • Why do you think you’re going to succeed in this job?
  • What kind of leader you want to work?
  • And with what kind of boss you think you would end by hitting?
  • Would you be willing / yyyy conduct a training course run by the company, before being hired / a?
  • How much you want to win now (and within five years)
  • Do you prefer working in a large firm, medium, small, public, private … Why?
  • Like the predictability of a job that you know start time and end time, or prefer a job that today do not know exactly what you do tomorrow?
  • When you could merge to work?
  • Who in companies that have worked before can give you references?
  • Do you participate in other selection processes?
  • What do you think of ….. monetary union, terrorism, feminism, politicians, unions ………?
  • Are you comment with your parents-wife / girlfriend and / or the impact of your work?


  • Who do you live?
  • What your family do?
  • You have a girlfriend / o – wife / husband? What do you think of this work?
  • What you do in your free time?
  • What are your favorite hobbies?
  • What last book you read it? What do you think?

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