Print Finishing Jobs and Print Finishing Techniques
Print jobs generally involve printing texts and images using the help of a printing press. However, print finisher jobs refer to the work that is involved after the printing stage is over which includes cutting, folding, binding and inspecting the overall finished product. Some printers are capable of handling the less complex jobs however certain finishing jobs require the help of a specialists to oversee the final product to produce the desired end result.
Finishing options were limited in olden days however in the present day and age the choice is endless. Competition between printing companies have grown resulting in prices being slashed down to attract and accommodate more customers. Hence, the quality of the finished product has to be flawless and meet expectations.
The most popular print finisher job techniques include:
Machine Sealing
This is a technique, which is used to stop any kind of ink rubbing and marking on silk or matt papers. The printer seals the ink into the paper to prevent smudges, as silk and matt papers are less absorbent compared to other printing papers.
This is used to prolong the durability of the print. It is also used to highlight or fade certain items on the page to give certain printing affects. There are three types of varnishing namely gloss, matt and silk effect. Varnishing is used on a number of coverings however they are most commonly used on photographs. Glossy finish gives a shiny coating while matt finish gives a smooth coating. Silk finish on the other hand gives an effect between gloss and matt.
UV Varnish
This ultra violet technique is used to produce a transparent finish to a covering. The coating is dried using the help of UV lighting. This varnish enhances the colours in a page and provides a smooth and glossy layer.
Other jobs in print management involve consultation with clients, packaging, direct mail and smooth operation of machinery, which are carried out by the manager. Consultation stage takes clients through the different options and price quotes available. Printing exactly according to the client’s specification is crucial therefore consultants take note of every detail and requirements.
Packaging and direct mail involves hiring national and international carriers to ship goods to the desired destination specified by clients. Ensuring the quality and standard of packaging to a high level is critical to maintain damage control.
Overall the manager oversees operation and smooth functioning of machinery by carrying out daily inspections and checks to prevent unwanted delays and accidents from taking place.