Quit Your Job and Do Something Different

Top Reasons to Quit Your Job

Most people have had a job that they either disliked or plain out hated. Maybe it was working the minimum wage job after high school or the factory job that was 100 degrees. Sometimes in life it just seems like the “less than pleasing” job has to be worked in order to make that paycheck to pay the bills.

How about you? Do you like your job or is it driving you crazy? Do you dread going to work every day? Maybe your job is causing you to stress out like a wild person, which certainly affects your attitude at home with the partner or family. Not enjoying your job even just a tad is a miserable thing.

The horrible job blues

I have personally been in a several jobs that I despised. One job in particular paid me minimum wage, had horrible hours, asked me to do things that were not in my job description, and lacked decent management. I felt as though I would never be good enough at that job even though I tried very hard to please everyone. This caused me to become miserable and cry the horrible job blues daily. I was constantly whining and arguing with my family, my friends, and my partner. People would get so annoyed with me and say, “Just quit your job!” I felt as though there was just no way would I ever be happy at that job. I knew I had to do something different and when the pain got great enough, I quit that job and found one that I really enjoyed.

If you’re in misery, do something different

If you can’t accept where you are job wise and you’ve had enough, it’s time to do something different If you really are out-of-your-mind miserable, it’s time to focus on you and figure out what would really make you happy. You weren’t put on this earth to live each day hating your job and feeling bad about yourself. That’s a terrible way to live. Plenty of people have switched from one job to another or completely quit their job to relax at home (if you have adequate income otherwise). Your sanity and piece of mind are two significant reasons to quit your job.

If your job is causing you physical and mental distress, maybe it really is time to quit. In my previous job, there was no room for advancement, no raises in pay, and I never had time to do what I really loved doing. For example, one thing that I love is being home and cleaning the house and gardening and with that job I either did not have time or did not feel like doing anything when I got home. I was exhausted and frustrated. So I worked hard at finding a different job that had better hours, more pay, and allowed me to be home every weekend. It took some effort on my part but it was completely worth it.

Trust your gut feeling

Trust in your gut feeling and go with it. If you feel that you will be happier if you leave your job, do it. You only have one life and who wants to spend it miserable? There are thousands and thousands of jobs available on this earth. Why do you think you have to stay in one that makes you want to tear your hair out every day?

Now, if you are worried about the money aspect of quitting your job, try to look at it in a positive way. Your happiness is more important than that paycheck. You have other options. Go ahead and get into a job that you like or start your own business. Go back to school and get a degree so you can pursue the career you’ve always wanted. If you don’t know what type of job you’d like, go to a career counseling office at your local community college. There are professionals available to help you. You don’t have to stay stuck where you are forever.

Take action towards a new life without the job you hate. Yes, I’m giving you permission to quit your job and do something that you actually look forward to. You can do whatever you want to do with hard work, belief, and a plan!


Do you want to quit your job?

Visit my blog I want to quit my job to find useful information about reasons to quit your job, tips to get a new job and other people stories that might help you decide what is best for you today.

By Erick Mathew L.

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