SimCity 2013 Review – A Simulation Game That Allows You to Build Your Own Virtual Metropolis

Since SimCity had a rather large following, it’s not surprising that the new version of the simulation game has been selling like crazy. SimCity 2013 was released for Windows in March 2013. It was developed by Maxis, which is a subsidiary of Electronic Arts.

What makes the game so popular is that it gives the average person the ability to develop and build sprawling cities and landscapes. You don’t have to be an architect or have access to expensive simulation equipment. All you need is a Windows PC and a bit of creativity. The controls and gameplay are easy enough to get a hang of, yet not so easy that the game becomes boring. It CAN get challenging at times.

Save your progress as you go along. It takes more than a day to build a huge metropolis, even if it’s a virtual one. There is an open platform of sorts that allows players to share resources with each other. You won’t get everything you need right at the start. As time goes by, you’ll accumulate more and more resources and “supplies” for your city.

One of the reasons why SimCity 2013 has received critical acclaim is because of its GlassBox engine. This technology allows for more simulation details. The graphics are vastly superior to those of previous SimCity games.

Not only do you get to build your own city, you can also add “life” to it. Add shops, cars on the road, street vendors, police cars, and so forth. Turn it into a bustling city in which something exciting is always occurring.

Patches are released and added to SC 2013 on a regular basis. The patches are always giving players something new, such as the ability to control the pollution and weather. There is no official ending to the game since urban development and city life go on and on and on. There is always something to maintain or add. You can even network with other players to combine your cities and create an entire region or country.

Another neat feature is the ability to find out how the virtual citizens are doing. Hover the mouse over buildings such as shops or restaurants to read a status message about whether the citizens were happy with their shopping or dining experience. Thanks to this feature, you will know what kind of improvements your city needs and which parts to focus on.sim city

Simulation games don’t get better than this. SimCity 2013 is by far the best game in the genre. There is so much to it that you’ll never run out of things to do. There is enough diversity in the actions you can take and the things you can design that you’ll never have to worry about getting bored.

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