A proper diet helps keep the skin tissue in a perfect state of health. You can also get a clear rejuvenation. Do not forget that the life cycle of skin cells in individuals ranging from 13 to 100 days. His regenerative ability is one of the highest in the body.
The skin receives nutrients through the blood. Proteins are particularly needed, the unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, B and C and carotenes.
The skin is composed of two layers, the dermis and the epidermis and are numerous host proteins. These proteins are removed through the normal desquamation process can become without recycling. Training is necessary for the provision of new proteins that reach us through good nutrition. A low-protein diet is a factor of fragility and skin aging.
The fatty acids play a key role in the structure of the skin remains integrates with good metabolism, maintaining the thickness and hydration. The acids of the Omega-6 family may be found in avocados, olives, legumes, whole grains, wheat germ and evening primrose oil or borage. Vitamins Vitamin A is essential to achieve the integrity of epithelia. We refer to both the skin and the inner mucous. It is called the anti-infective vitamin because it prevents chapping tissues. It is a barrier to the entry of infectious microorganisms. This vitamin can be found in white and blue fish. Equally important is vitamin C. Over the years a decrease of skin collagen tissue. The result is a loss of elasticity and the arrival of wrinkles. Vitamin C plays an essential role in the formation of collagen. It is therefore essential to the daily consumption of fruits and salads as a way to keep our skin young. This vitamin also plays an important role as an antioxidant and protector of cells. If we talk about dermatitis, dryness and poor regeneration of the skin, it is essential to refer to the B vitamins His presence has a clear influence on overcoming these problems. It becomes convenient consumption of whole grains, yeast, wheat germ and vegetables. It is significant that breast milk contains large amounts of vitamin A and is that the needs of this vitamin are fired during lactation. Nature does not make mistakes because Vitamin A is essential at any age, not just for babies .. Among many other qualities, is very useful to ensure the health of our vision and essential for skin care. In the case of skin tissue, the Vitamin A helps the integrity of the epithelia of both the skin and internal membranes. It has been called the anti-infective vitamin that maintains the structure of tissues and difficult to damage. It is a barrier that hinders the entry of microorganisms. The carotenoids in the plant world can be found in abundance carotenes. They are precursors of vitamin A. It is present in food coloring tone, with yellow, orange or green tones. All we can consume in large quantities. A portion of carotenes we make food is transformed into vitamin A. Another portion was stored on our skin tissue and exerts a protective role. While skin color. Where to find To access the vitamin already become commonplace to speak of the carrot. Are absolutely certain properties of this plant, but there are many products that can enjoy the presence of vitamin A. For example, fish, especially blue. Dairy products are also valuable dairy full fat or fortified with the vitamin. They are also suitable fruits like apricots and generally originating in the tropics. When impurities are suffering from problems of the skin is highly recommended a daily diet that included large doses of carrots, tropical fruits, fruit spring cucumber and melon