Smoking is a predominantly female disease, and advanced societies will pay dearly for daring to tobacco companies, which have submitted the cigarette during the past decades as a symbol of female emancipation. One-third of teens today will die of snuff, like one in two regular smokers, one relevant to humans, because the toxicity of cigarette no gender difference situation. There are four reasons for these moments in a woman is beating man in the harmful smoking: advertising, depression, stress and fear of being overweight. In industrialized countries, women now in their 40s tend to leave the snuff less than boys, and girls are initiated into the habit earlier than boys. The problem lies latent female smoking, and that toxicity takes 20 years turn up. In a few years the snuff is the leading cause of death among women in our society, as seen in other countries where women stood before the snuff. Alcohol, snuff and psychotropics, drugs of the Spanish are still less them, but that hook have begun before consuming, are more addicted, request fewer treatments are physically vulnerable and suffer more. The drug dependence has been considered until now as an exclusively male social and health problem . Only in recent years, due in part to the findings of several studies that have demonstrated both an increase in the number of women who consume addictive substances and consequences of women’s addiction, political, health, and the specialists who treat and investigate the drugs, they have decided to find out why, how and when women and prevention and treatment that they need to take drugs. The alcohol, snuff and psychotropic drugs are still drugs preferred consumption between Spanish and how also is producing an increase in the poly (snuff and alcohol or psychotropic cannabis and alcohol, to name two examples). Although most of the respondents admitted taking drugs for pleasure or for fun, the conference attendees agree that a number of new factors that affect exclusively to females, and are closely related to the initiation of use of substances. These include new roles, the existence of social security contributions and the fact that women now share the same public places as men. Although these conditions are affecting new drug, new jobs on women’s addiction also reveal that sexual abuse in childhood, parents have drug addicts, personal relationships, lack of self-esteem and be dissatisfied with it are some of the clear risk factors for women developing dependencies. That women take addictive substances and that some of them do abusively is not new. The use of alcohol and benzodiazepines (tranquilizers) in females is a fact that has been known for some time. Just remember, for example, in Spain the optalidón addicted to many who are now grandmothers, or the image of so many women who have lived or live in silence, and secretly attached to the bottle. What is new is now start consuming at younger ages, who have lost respect for experimenting with new substances and an increasing number of which are hooked. In fact, in recent years has increased the proportion of females incarcerated for problems drug-related. Although in general terms it can be said that drug use is more common among men than women, legal factors, cultural, educational and geographic factors affect an increasing prevalence of drug use by the women. Gender variations are more pronounced where heavy legal penalties, including schoolchildren and in rural areas there. The differences are less evident where there is widespread acceptance of drug use, as usually occurs with cannabis. Factors causing new addictions The incorporation of women into the workplace, his new role and the struggle for equality seem to be behind the first use of many of these women. The private space (before women consumed at home) has begun to be replaced by the public where man, gradually stopped penalizing women who drink or smoke. Alcohol snuff and pregnancy Pregnancy: is it possible smoking and drinking There are many factors that seriously affect the course of pregnancy and fetal citation. Among the most important causes that lead to danger to your baby alcohol and snuff are. Both produce serious complications in pregnancy, in most cases, irreversible. The consequences of snuff addition to the serious consequences of this habit on anyone, snuff represents one of the biggest risks of pregnancy. The reason is based mainly that each puff that gives the mother becomes a puff of nicotine and carbon monoxide, which is making the baby as the smoke passes through the placenta with no problem. With each inhalation of snuff, which produces spasms blood vessels, the fetus suffers cardiac abnormalities and once the cigarette is finished, it still takes 45 minutes to recover. In addition to causing spontaneous abortions, sudden deaths, birth of fetuses and stillborn or underweight babies, snuff also causes long-term problems such as alterations in the nervous system, asthma, increased risk of diabetes, obesity, or poor growth, both physical and intellectual. Smoking affects equally any pregnancy regardless of the number of cigarettes consumed and the consequences usually more common, in the first quarter: Decreased fertility (women smokers take 2 months to get pregnant than nonsmokers) Increased number of abortions Increased number of threatened abortions in the second trimester increases the possibility of preterm labor Increased risk of placental abruption Low birthweight perinatal mortality neonatal Sudden Death defects such as cleft lip, cleft palate, spina bifida damage, etc … The placenta does not protect, nicotine and carbon monoxide smoke of snuff to her baby causing it to smoke the same as the mother every sip of alcohol ingested enters the bloodstream and, from this, goes to the fetus by the umbilical cord which means that the baby will be born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Effects Alcohol Alcohol The case does not involve less risk to the fetus, but rather the opposite; every sip of alcohol ingested enters the bloodstream and, from this, goes to the fetus by the umbilical cord which means that the baby will be born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). This disease is not reversible and involves damage, both physical and psychological, the child to be born. The only way to avoid this is to not drink alcohol during pregnancy. This will prevent the fetus absorb any alcohol through the umbilical cord. If you plan to nurse your child, should you continue without consuming alcohol as during lactation, may also be transmitted components of the beverage through breast milk. In addition to risks such as placental abruption or fetal stillbirth, the SAF has a number of serious psychological and physical problems that are irreversible: Psychological problems: Mental retardation Trouble personal relationships as adults overly impulsive behavior … Physical problems: hearing and speech difficulties Poor coordination facial dysmorphia microcephaly (head too small) microophthalmia (eyes too small) short filter (poor separation of the nose and mouth) Micrognátnia (very thin upper lip and receding chin)