Social Recruiting Is Now Bigger Than Recruiting
The term social recruitment is now a synonym to the regular HR process of recruitment. The internet has come a long way indeed. With ‘life getting virtual’, the practice of recruitment is no exception. Social media is the future! It is a ready group of target audience just waiting to be tapped. If social media marketing can reap the benefits of this ready cluster of target groups then why can’t the recruitment process?
It is with this thought that many companies have already devised strategies to venture in this novel aspect of tapping social media for hiring the right candidate. Social recruitment thrives on employee referrals. The process of recruitment and the modality of social media have one thing in common, which forms the base for its success – trust. Social media works because a particular product or service is referred by a person’s known social circle. It is so much better than the recommendations made by the local search engines. Similarly, it is an exchange of trust when a candidate is in a company’s process of recruitment. Trust leads to relation building and strengthening. Thus, when the employee’s referral is made use of for the purpose of recruitment, the first level of trust is automatically established. The company knows that their time is being invested in the right potential employee and the candidate is motivated to crack the interview with no reservations or doubts that would’ve otherwise been there. This way social recruitment values ‘time’ resulting in ‘quality candidates’ best suited for the job role in a company.
In this fast paced world, companies just refuse to play the ‘wait game’. Just as posting vacancy notices in the newspapers are passé, so is activity of posting job openings all over the internet with ‘hit or miss’ chances. Social recruitment on the other hand is a much targeted effort that is treading on the ‘bull area’ or directly on the ‘bulls eye’.
Statistics state that 72% of the firms have made use of social media recruitment techniques and are more than satisfied with the results. This figure is only expected to grow in the immediate future. Needless to say, the job seekers too are finding this mode of locating a job opportunity very attractive. With these figures only rising in the future, the exclusivity of this modality is feared to fade away, making it a generic mode of recruitment. Many firms are hence constantly trying to keep this possibility at bay by making use of customized recruitment software’s to keep the exclusivity of social recruitment intact.