The four key questions you should answer in a job interview

answer in a job interview
answer in a job interview

The four key questions you should answer in a job interview
Why are you here? What we can offer? What kind of person is he? and Why should we hire you? The four key questions you should answer in a job interview. Manuals have been written about the interview, which includes many recommendations for candidates.

However, if we approach the matter with an analytical view in the background of the wide range of questions asked by an interviewer, whatever the situation in which the interview, there are only 4 key questions arise, which often are not . expressly raised but planning on the content of the conversation which we call “job interview” These are:

Why are you here?

What reasons will give me for career change? . What we can offer? What are your strengths? . What kind of person is he? How does it fit into the new professional environment? . Why should we hire you? What makes you different from other candidates interested in the position? Why are you here? This question can not be answered vaguely. And, as a candidate, we want the interviewer to get clarity on this issue. Or are we there just to “see what happens” (this usually happens when we received a call from a head hunter) or have a real reason. To expose these reasons should examine our motives for change and, likewise, be aware of the position, company, we offer context deserves our interest. Do not bring anything positive to say “platitudes” at this time.

What we can offer?

The questioner wants to know if it will help, and how, the company to meet its objectives. If you have done previous research, know what the goals and needs of the company and how, through their qualities and skills can help you achieve them.

What kind of person is it?

This is a key question in which there is no answer you can memorize. Everything you do, say, express, etc. shall be considered as a response. Peinado, stress, posture, sweat from your hands, arrogance, breath, voice, listening skills, values, personal presentation, previous research work, etc. are elements that the caller used to be answered this question.

Why should we hire you?

Immediately after passing the previous phases, the caller puts the candidate mentally or competence in relation to the rest of those who choose to post. Although it may seem that here is little to do, because normally not competitors known, in reality there is a large field of action since a good candidate may rely on the excellent research to be developed prior to the interview .`

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