The Work From Home Fitness Test
First I want to congratulate you as cheesy as it may sound. But you have done something that many people can never even fathom. You are taking your life, money, and freedom in your own hands and you have decided from this point forward that you not only want to work from home, but you want to start your own business as well.
This not only offers you boundless opportunities such as freedom of life and the choice to make your own decisions from now on, but the ability to not have a boss looming over your head constantly telling you how, when, why, and where. And most importantly, the opportunity to make as much money as you possibly can based on how much effort you put into your new venture.
Yep that’s right folks, there is a catch. And I want you to remember this statement as long as you operate your business (Which hopefully is a very long time).
“Nothing in life is ever going to be given you free of charge except love and the pursuit of happiness.”
If you want to be successful working at home and owning your own business, from this point forward you are going to have to have an extreme passion for what you are doing. You are going to have to believe in yourself even when others don’t, and you are going to have to spend many a sleepless night thinking about how you are going to grow your business into something profitable, sustainable, and viable. And that my friends, is how you are going to be a success. Breathe it, live it, do it.
Okay so at this point, some of you are thinking one of two thoughts a) I am fully capable of breathing and doing and you want to move forward b) your crazy I thought I was going to get rich quick… where’s my remote!
What if I told you I can help you grow your business beyond what you thought possible? I can help get there in half the time, and make half the mistakes others do with some unbelievably easy to follow examples, tricks, and profitable ideas? But first I need to make sure you’re ready to get going. Please read this statement very carefully and then continue on to read the deciding factors as to whether you are cut out for this type of career path…
“Not everyone is capable of working at home. It is much much harder than it reality would make you believe. “
First and foremost, you are putting a tremendous amount of stress on yourself if you don’t realize how isolating it can be to work out of your home office. Now with that said, you can take any of the businesses in this guide and the supplemental business guide and work them out of your house, garage, small rented office, or heck even your bathroom if you wanted to, but by all means have a life line of some sort. Otherwise you will go bonkers. This is especially true during the winter months when the majority of us are inundated with cold, wet, and dreary weather.
Pros and Cons
You need to first decide if the positives outweigh the negatives. For me the answer is unequivocally yes. I get to spend more time with kids. I get the freedom to shape my day, my week, and my life for that matter. No one tells me when to take a break, when to take a vacation, how to shape my day, who to report to and the list goes on and on. I am in charge of how much money I want to make, and how I want my business to grow.
Please keep in mind that you must be passionate about the business(s) you chose to pursue as you will be spending a lot of time growing and promoting the business. If you don’t enjoy what business you chose to start and operate, then you won’t get very far.
You must also have some knowledge of the business and/or industry, or be able to learn quickly as you won’t be able to properly market yourself and your business will ultimately fail. Knowledge is power when owning a business online or off. So if you don’t currently possess it, get it. There is a ton of information online for the taking and reading. Good luck in your new venture!