Three free templates to make your CV

Three free templates to make your CV
As we all know, the curriculum vitae (CV) is often our letter when involved in the running for a job so needless to say how important it is to build a good CV . There are many kinds, because we also know that the same information can organize it in different ways depending on what you want to highlight (our strengths) and who want to turn. We will share with you three free templates , one for each type of CV to highlight.
Chronological CV.
Organizes information chronologically, starting with the oldest achievements and reaching the most recent (though it can also be reversed). This will allow your partner to know the evolution of your career, but not always facilitates the essential aim of any CV: get a personal interview. Its advantage is that emphasizes stability and upward evolution of your career, increased tasks or climbs the career ladder but instead let the eye downtime if any or frequent job changes.
CV functional or topics.
This model distributes the information by topic, not by time and therefore a glance you can quickly learn about your training and experience in a particular field. This type of CV, as it is not arranged chronologically, allows you to skip errors tour, periods of unemployment, frequent job changes without having promoted, etc., possibly because whoever is in front of the document will not notice.
Combined CV.
Is supposed to be the most comprehensive of the three but also the most difficult to develop because it is a mixture of chronological and thematic. Party provided the functional model, organizing information by subject or professional areas, and would lead the organization in time. This will highlight the skills while having the experience and training is reflected.