Tips on how to make more money at your job


Tips on how to make more money at your job

In the following article we will give some tips on how to get a raise.

1. Do not skip any hierarchy, calls the raise your direct boss, even though you know he can not decide the issue.
2. Please clear the reasons you ask for a raise. That is, concretĂ­zalas Based on experience, merits, abilities, skills, etc. Give your reasons clearly and concisely, using examples for this. Ojo your boss is not who should seek the reasons for your raise , since he has more important things to worry about.
3. Simplify the situation so that your boss is not denied your request.
4. Find out what policies does your company if orders are raise , with the aim that no clashes with no barriers of this type. Choose the right time to make your order. For example, you can see what the next year’s budget regarding salary increases.

5. Perform a test everything that you tell your boss. Imagine all the arguments that your boss might ask and think about what you answer to each of them.

6. Study and Get trained in all that you can serve for a better job. Take every opportunity you get in your job. For example, go to classes, read, etc, because with it you will do a better job. Comentale your boss every new course you undertake to see that you desire to grow as a professional.

7. Comentale your boss your desire to improve yourself and improve. Ask how you can get a raise or how you can get a higher position with more responsibility. Possibly, I tell you to train you more in some language or computer course, or that you need to follow a master; whereupon can perhaps negotiate for the company you of financial assistance for these courses. Moreover, if you finish with good results these courses will be harder than you say no to a promotion.

8. When you have a larger amount of responsibility can show your superiors that you have the ability to do that job well and just need a chance.

9. Investigates how much they pay in the market for a job like that you do or you want to perform. So you know supply and demand.

10. Think about how much you will ask as increase . For example, an increase of 20% or so much, never say auméntenme his will, for that would be absurd.

11. In conversation shows always a smile and do not be angry at any circumstance.

12. If you can not convince your boss does a good job over the next months and touches the topic later. Think if your boss gives you really value your work will not want to miss the simple fact of not increase you salary. Also, if you insist on the right time you can achieve your goal.

13. If after insisting on different occasions, your boss does not grant the raise and tells you not to, saying there is no budget in the organization, you should start looking for other career options.

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