Want to succeed in an job interview

Want to succeed in an job interview
Want to succeed in an job interview

Want to succeed in an job interview 
You have to know when to speak and when to keep quiet A few tips on when to keep his mouth shut in an interview and when not.

Who has not ever been afraid before going to a job interview ? Many of us will have passed, and the truth is that it is normal in the world because, while we strive to prepare rehearsing in front of the mirror, nobody is prepared for it. Just looking forward to get it right and that what makes us even more nervous causing a natural insecurity, something that after all we can not control.

We want to make a big impression and receive that call finally we were both waiting to know that we have found work . If that’s really what we want, we have to be careful with our attitude to our interviewer , because sometimes we risk err on both ends: talking too much (or even worse things to say inconvenient) or too quiet (and do not say things that we can benefit). Let’s see a few tips on when to keep his mouth shut in an interview and when not to, because this is one of the most difficult aspects of control.

1. Company Information

We can not get to the interview without any information on the company. We can search Google nor is it necessary to learn all about it, but some things like what the company does, its objectives, how long they have in the sector etc …

2. Vacations, lunch or any aspect of this type

The biggest mistake. Ask first time you are face to face with our interviewer will give us many days of vacation, what time of year or lunch every day at noon. Yes, it’s true, this is important information to know it but is not relevant in the first interview since we do not know whether we have the post or not. Is it not a bit cheeky? We have to avoid such questions at the beginning and focus on finding out more about what are our duties in the workplace . What we have to convey is that really interests us the job, our professionalism, we are involved. Our party will see in us the desire to achieve and that will increase our chances of success.

3. Salary and economic benefits

We have a right to know how much we paid for the post and is information that influences our motivation, but it is not good to ask about it in the first interview. What we can do is figure out roughly how much is the salary for someone who has the same or a similar one , so when we make the economic proposal, if they select us to work, we will know if we are paying well or well We can do better.

Finally, and most importantly, we have to be ourselves. We have to show our weaknesses but our skills and our strengths, maintain proper posture with your head up, trying to control the nerves and demonstrate our readiness both the language and the body. Perhaps a little humor does not look bad. Yes … the luck always plays a role, but the rest is up to you!

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