Work-Life Balance Tips
If some years ago you had a clear working schedule, nowadays, you are to work as much and long as you can.
Frequently, you come home only to sleep and all the rest time you work. Of course, such situation is in-normal. You are to learn to achieve a work-life balance to avoid different problems in your family, with your health and many others.
The first step
You are to understand what a work-life balance is. A work-life balance is a system when employee divides his working time and his private life. His main task is to do it without any damage for both parts of his life. Employer must realize that working overtime leads to the negative emotions from the employees and, as a result, productivity of labor declines. Such balance allows employees to feel all aspects of their lives.
The second step
Only you know how to achieve the appropriate balance. But there are some common principles which can help you: saying no, prioritizing, banishing guilt. If you can turn into reality these rules, you can get the balance.
The third step
Usually working day lasts from 8:00 to 5:00 and working week lasts from Monday to Friday. So, these are your working frames. It means that you are to learn to do all your work in the given time. The other variant is to ask your employer to do a flexible work schedule for you. Present time is a time of high developed technologies and many employers let their employees have a flexible work schedule.
The fourth step
There is a very useful term as time management. This term means that you are to work efficiently during your working day. Employers look for employees who can do their orders quickly, qualitative and for the short period of time.
The fifth step
Sometimes, it is better change your career that will suit you perfectly than try to find a work-life balance at the old one. Of course, there is a rick to lose some level in salary or a position. But if you care about your family, your health, relationships, you are to look for another job. Instead of, you will get only positive results.
So, from your choice depends on your work-life balance. You can change everything, or you can stay at the same conditions. Usually you feel comfortable, but your family suffers from your job because it doesn’t get enough attention from you.
By Irina Hunter